Decidim Fest 22 — The Future of The Internet · October 13-14 Read more

Metadecidim, nuestra comunidad

Una comunidad democrática que gestiona el proyecto Decidim en todas sus dimensiones

Metadecidim es una comunidad que colabora en el diseño de la plataforma y la construcción del proyecto. Entre todas podemos diseñar y desarrollar nuevas funcionalidades y notificar bugs para una mejora continua de la plataforma.
Propose and help define new features
Report bugs and help the developers fix them
Help shape the future of the platform
The Decidim Community during the Decidim Fest 2021
Preguntas más frecuentes
Who is currently using Decidim?

It is currently used by cities and organizations worldwide. In fact, any group of people can use it, whether it is an NGO, university, trade union, cooperative, neighbourhood association, etc. Check the complete list of currently active instances.

What do I need to install Decidim?

Installing Decidim is easy but you need some knowledge and technical requirements. See the documentation for installing Decidim.

Do you have a Demo? I want to use Decidim now, without installing it, to see how it works.

Yes, we have an online demo.

What do I need to install Decidim?

Installing Decidim is easy but you need some knowledge and technical requirements. See the documentation for installing Decidim.

Try Online — Conoce y prueba libremente la plataforma Decidim con la demo en línea. Demo online